Just The Facts: Trudeau Will Add $61 Billion In Inflationary Spending

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, his Liberal government is not worth the cost. Trudeau’s inflationary spending and taxes have driven up the cost of everything. Housing costs have doubled, and a record two million Canadians had to use a food bank in a single month last year.

Despite his record of failure, Trudeau has doubled down on the same spending that has caused so much misery in the first place, pouring even more fuel on the inflationary fire and driving up interest rates. And after telling Canadians that his government was adding $57 billion in new inflationary spending, the Parliamentary Budget Office has confirmed today that the number is even higher, at $61.2 billion.

This means that Trudeau’s spending is now costing the average family $3,687 in new government debt and inflationary spending. And for the first time in a generation, Canada is now spending more on debt interest than on health transfers.

Canadians deserve a government that will cap the spending to lower inflation and interest rates. Instead of giving money to bankers and bondholders, we should be investing in our doctors and nurses. Justin Trudeau is not worth the cost.

Only Common Sense Conservatives will cap the spending, fix the budget and bring home lower prices for all Canadians.

Les conservateurs de gros bon sens demandent à la ministre des Pêches d’écouter les pêcheurs de harengs

Les conservateurs de gros bon sens demandent à la ministre des Pêches d’écouter les pêcheurs de harengs

Grand Falls — Windsor, T.-N. — Clifford Small, député de Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame et ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable des Pêches, des Océans et de la Garde côtière canadienne ; Rick Perkins, député de South Shore-St. Margarets et ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable de l’Innovation, des Sciences et de l’Industrie ; John Williamson, député de New Brunswick Sud-Ouest ; et Chris d’Entremont, député de Nova-Ouest, ont fait la déclaration suivante sur la récente réduction du total autorisé des captures (TAC) de hareng dans le sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Écosse et dans la baie de Fundy :

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Common Sense Conservatives Call For The Minister Of Fisheries To Listen To The Harvesters Of The Herring Fishery

Common Sense Conservatives Call For The Minister Of Fisheries To Listen To The Harvesters Of The Herring Fishery

Grand Falls – Windsor, NL – Clifford Small, MP for Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame and Shadow Minister for Fisheries, Oceans and The Canadian Coast Guard; Rick Perkins, MP for South Shore-St. Margarets and Shadow Minister for Innovation, Science and Industry; John Williamson, MP for New Brunswick Southwest; and Chris d’Entremont, MP for West Nova, released the following statement on the recent reduction of the herring Total Allowable Catch (TAC) in Southwestern Nova Scotia and the Bay of Fundy:

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